Stress-Free Distance Learning Suggestions

Distance learning

By Heather Burdo


Distance learning doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it may seem. Thankfully, we’re in the digital and strong technological world, which means you have more resources at the tip of your fingers than you would know what to do with.

You can do this. You don’t have to be a teacher and you don’t have to have all the time in the world. Here are some resources and tips to help you through.


YouTube for Elementary Videos

If your little one is still learning sight words, YouTube has some great options. Type in “sight word rap” or “sight word music” and you will have several options to choose from. YouTube even has some videos for elementary math or fun science facts. Not much of a drawer but you know you can’t skimp on your child’s art class? No worries, the platform has plenty of drawing tutorials, even fun painting ideas.


Break Out the Playdoh and Finger Paint

Whether you want to occupy your little one for a while, or if you want to do some fun math with the playdoh or paint - It will make for a fun time. You could use pieces of playdoh for fun math facts like 2+2 or other simple problems. Come up with something unique and have fun with it. With paint, you could do the same thing or practice sight words with finger paint on paper. Have some shaving cream? You could also get them having drawing letters in the shaving cream on a plate. These small types of ideas will keep their attention longer and you will get learning time in - It’s a win, win!


Video Chat or Virtual Playdates

If your child’s teacher sent home homework or assigns homework online, then the education part is covered. However, socialization is still a must. With children being out of school, they are going to miss that interaction with other students. Thankfully, there are things like Skype, cell phones, or even Messenger Kids for children to still talk to their friends. You can even set up virtual playdates with other parents.


What To Do If You Have Lack Of WiFi 

If you only have the internet on your mobile phone and not in your home, contact your local internet providers. Some providers are giving free wifi to people who need it for school during the coronavirus issues.


Soak Up the Sunshine Rays and Get Fresh Air

Whenever you can get outside and let your kids run around, take advantage. Everyone needs fresh air for their mental health. Even if you can only get outside for 30 minutes per day or several times per week, that is enough to keep your kids active and out of the house for a bit. If you have bubbles leftover from last summer, now would be a great time to use them. 


Learning Platforms to Ease Stress

During this stressful pandemic, many learning platforms are available to help make the process easier for everyone. With such platforms, you don’t have to wonder what you should be teaching your child if their teacher didn’t send any work for them to do. Additionally, some of these websites can keep your little one busy when they start to get bored.

•  ABC Mouse
•  Adventure Academy
•  Kids Discover Online
•  Scholastics
•  Khan Academy
•  Outschool
•  Moby Max
•  Acellus/Power Homeschool
•  Reading IQ
•  PBS Kids
•  Mystery Science
•  Old Farmer’s Almanac
•  Sesame Street
•  Cool Math
•  Starfall
•  Legends of Learning
•  How Stuff Works
•  Virtual field trips through San Diego Zoo and Yellowstone National Park


You will survive this, mama. With all the resources and platforms, plus fun small ideas you can do with the kiddos, time will fly by. Life will be back to normal soon. If you have any other suggestions for your fellow parents, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear new, exciting ideas.


Heather is a freelance writer from New York. When she isn't writing about parenting, she is tending to her own two handsome boys. She enjoys all things related to motivation and mindset. All work aside, she enjoys activities outdoors and being with her family. 

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