With back-to-school season near, it's time to shift from summer to school routines. Start re-establishing daily schedules with these essential 6 tips for a smooth bedtime routine to ensure a stress-free school year ahead!
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By Tara Mitchell from The Gentle Sleep Specialist The four-month mark is such a wonderful time. Your baby will be interacting more and more with you and you should hopefully be resolving any wind and colic issues. However, there is...
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 The development of a baby’s first teeth can be both a moment to celebrate and fear for parents. While it’s great to see your child’s empty gums finally populate with tiny new baby teeth, allowing them to eventually eat...
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Babies aged 3-12 months often wake at night as they don’t have adult sleep cycles. Helping them connect cycles can lead to longer sleep. Curious to learn more? Keep reading!
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Setting up good sleep habits is important for your baby’s physical health and emotional well-being. And an important part of healthy sleep is the position your baby sleeps in. While the swaddle is a favorite option for parents around the...
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