Proper Infant Sleep - Ways to Achieve a Quiet and Healthy Sleep

Proper Infant Sleep - Ways to Achieve a Quiet and Healthy Sleep
Proper Infant Sleep - Ways to Achieve a Quiet and Healthy Sleep

By Taylor Brouwer

Infant sleep is very different from adult sleep, namely consisting of a deep sleep phase when the baby sleeps peacefully and rests, and a longer REM phase, that is shallow sleep, when the baby can easily wake up. To help your baby sleep peacefully at night, there are several methods that young parents should follow and incorporate into their daily rituals.

Before going to bed it is necessary to prepare the room well so that the conditions are conducive to falling asleep, that is, the temperature in the room should be between 18 and 22 degrees, the room should be aired, as well as eliminating bright lights and applying a small night light, which will gently soothe our baby. Every baby is different, but most babies don't like the dark, so nightlights would be perfect. 

The next method to help put a baby to sleep is a bath. If our baby likes to bathe, we can bathe him daily at a constant time, preferably an hour before bedtime, as bathing has a soothing effect, and after bathing a light massage of the back, legs and face is recommended, which will definitely relax our baby and help put him to sleep faster. One of the most important methods of proper sleep is constant rituals that induce a sense of security, which is extremely important for a young child.

Remember not to cause your baby a strong impression before going to bed, so it is recommended to have a quiet time, such as reading a story or singing lullabies. Often useful in putting babies to sleep are quite a popular baby sleep-soothers toys, which are designed to soothe and relax the baby, but it can be any other soft toy that makes the child feel calm.

It is very important that parents are consistent in their methods and observe the baby when he becomes sleepy, because "overdoing" the baby without sleep will cause great problems in falling asleep and a hard night, so you should try to keep the baby awake for too long during the day, so keep the blinds closed on the windows, turn off the radio and do not talk in whispers, as the baby's brain encodes sounds and, thanks to this, will wake up faster from the afternoon nap.

As mentioned earlier, the baby may wake up at night, at least for a while, so watch the baby and do not react immediately, because the baby may calm down after a while and go back to sleep, and our too quick intervention may lead to a complete awakening of the baby. But remember to never leave a newborn, infant, or child alone to cry, because, unfortunately, this does nothing good for proper development.

Babies can also wake up at night because:

  • Feel hungry
  • Have a wet diaper
  • They are too warm or cold (a blanket or sleeping bag instead of a heavy blanket is recommended)
  • Cramps/stomach pains or teething
  • Strong sucking need (pacifier falling out, breasts)
  • Air that is too dry
  • Mosquitoes/ midges
  • Uncomfortable sleeping position
  • Illness (runny nose, cough, respiratory or urinary tract infection)

Also, remember to keep your baby safe during sleep, so you should have an appropriate, certified crib. Over time, the nervous system matures and our babies begin to sleep better at night and sleep through the night.

About the author

Taylor Brouwer is a freelance professional content writer, providing write my essay services on a part-time basis. He specializes in writing research papers in the humanities and is skilled in using both MLA and Chicago style citation. Out of office hours, Taylor is a happy father of two daughters.