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how mommy can read more

Mommy Resolution: Reading more

by Monica K. Guthrie

It’s that time of year again when life looks promising and the pages of the year are blank and ready for writing. Many of you have made resolutions for the new year and some have shared those resolutions on our Facebook page. In the next few blogs, I want to help you be successful with your goals. First resolution: Reading!

Melissa Anderson shared her resolutions on our page saying, “I have a few, (the usual eat healthier, lose some weight, etc.) but this year I'm making a resolution that I've never made before- to read more! I enjoy a good book, but for some reason only seem to read when traveling, which isn't often with 3 little kids.”

Thanks for sharing Melissa! I hear you, reading isn’t always easy for some and when you add children and the responsibilities of life, it can feel like a luxury you just don’t have time for. So how do you keep from flaking out on your reading resolution? 

  1. Give yourself a challenge. A few years ago, I actually made a resolution to read more. In order to do that, I challenged myself to read one book a month. Give yourself a specific challenge. Maybe you do one book a month, maybe one every two months. Do what you think will work for you.
  1. Join a book club. When I moved to Oklahoma I was desperate to meet people and do things. At the time, I didn’t think my new home had anything to offer. When I heard about a book club, I jumped at the chance to join. The first few months I didn’t read a single book. I just went to meet people and eat (each meeting was at a different restaurant in town – yum!) but after a while I wanted to know what everyone was talking about. It was like listening to gossip and not having anything to contribute (“Could you believe Mr. Darcy said that to her? If I were Elizabeth I would have put him in his place. And her sisters? Don’t get me started.”) So I read the books. Sometimes I didn’t finish the book in time but it gave me a deadline to try and work toward and a support group to help me.
  1. Ask for suggestions. Get a list of books you want to read and then ask friends (social media) for a list of quick reads (I like “The Awakening,” “The Tears of my Soul,” and “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” – actually pretty much all of C.S. Lewis’ writings can be read quickly). Then when you’re down to the last days of the month and want to say you finished a book, you can knock one of these out in a day or two and feel accomplished.
  1. Start small. Try reading just 5 or 10 pages a day (depending on the type of book, font size, all that jazz). Read during your lunch break or while waiting for water to boil.
  1. Consider audio books. To be honest I don’t feel like it’s the same as sitting down to read (maybe I’m a reading snob), but I have “read” a few books for my book club while I drive to and from work. It’s convenient and I don’t have to think about it because once I start my car I hear someone reading to me.
  1. Give yourself permission to fail. Sometimes your kids get sick and then you get sick and then they get sick again. Sometimes you’re just tired and want to sleep (or binge watch Sherlock). It’s okay. Just pick back up again.


So there you go! If your resolution is to read more these tips can help you on your way. I need to read a few more books myself so if you have a favorite book, share it with us in the comments below – happy reading!



Monica K. Guthrie is an Army brat, an Army veteran (Rock of the Marne!) and now an Army spouse with two boys. She is currently the media relations officer for the public affairs office at Fort Sill, Okla., and writes a weekly column called the Okie Bucket List. She also has a photography and graphic design business, Pro Deo Creations, that she maintains between potty training and kissing scraped knees. 

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