How to Make the Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Kids

how to make the ultimate spring bucket list for kids

by Katie Trudeau

Are you officially over cabin fever? Spring is officially here and what better way to break out of cabin fever than to create your Spring bucket list?

Making your own bucket list for Spring is easy and fun. 

This is what you need:

  • Something to write on: poster board, floral cardstock, or other sturdy paper
  • Markers or crayons
  • Stickers for kids to decorate

What to do:

  • Brainstorm ideas for your bucket list with your kids
  • Older kids can write down their ideas or you can write for the younger children
  • Decorate the poster with stickers
  • Hang  your bucket list where you can see it regularly
  • When you complete an item, cross it off
  • Optional: Create a fun reward (like a family movie night) to celebrate getting through the end of your bucket list

If you need ideas to make your bucket list, check out these 25 ideas!


The Great Outdoors

  1. Visit a working farm: What’s more fun that seeing the farm come alive again!
  2. Put on your rain boots and have a good ol’ fashioned stomp in the rain puddles.
  3. Teach children about plants; plant a few seeds in milk cartons and place them at the window. Kids will love watching the tiny sprouts pop up.
  4. Bring out the sidewalk chalk and bubbles and spend an afternoon out in the sunshine.
  5. Visit the zoo and look for as many baby animals as you can find.
  6. Build an outdoor space for the kids: sensory bin, sand box, herb garden - anything that allows them to engage the outdoor space in a fun and creative way.
  7. Make bird feeders and hang them in your garden.
  8. After a rainstorm, head outside and make mudpies. (Tip: Give your kids disposable aluminum pie pans for even more fun!)
  9. Plan a Teddy Bear Picnic: Assemble a picnic and head to the park with your teddy bear in tow.
  10. Visit a local arboretum: Spring is the perfect time to watch nature transform at an arboretum.
  11. Make your own kite and fly it at the beach.
  12. Have a picnic on a canoe at the lake. (Don’t forget life vests for everyone!)
  13. Hang a swing in a tree in your yard.
  14. Teach your kids how to climb in a tree.
  15. Go for a bike ride together as a family.
  16. Plan a day hike. Spring is the ultimate time to explore waterfalls. (Have a baby in tow? No worries, babies love to ride in hiking packs!)

Inside Fun for those Rainy Spring Days

You know the phrase: April showers bring May flowers. All those spring rainstorms bring beautiful flowers, but if the rain has got you cooped up inside, have no fear. Try one of these fun items from the bucket list:

  1. Make a pillow fort and read books while listening to the rain hit the windows.
  2. Take wildflowers from outside and freeze them into ice cubes. Let your kids explore the ice cubes as a sensory project.
  3. Visit the library: Bonus points if you get books related to spring!
  4. Raise butterflies - the ultimate spring insect!


Spring into the Kitchen

Are you looking to spend a little time in the kitchen? There are plenty of fun ways to bring the beauty of spring into the kitchen. 

  1. Make flower pot bread. To make flower pot bread, you’ll need:
    • 4 cups all-purpose flour
    • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
    • 2 cups lukewarm water
    • 2 teaspoons sugar
    • 2 teaspoons instant or active-dry yeast
    • Butter for greasing pots
    • sea salt for sprinkling
    • Clean earthenware pots
    • Mix all ingredients except flour
    • Add in flour
    • Knead and rise for 1.5 hours
    • Grease flower pots
    • Place dough in pots and let raise for 30 minutes
    • Brush top with butter and sprinkle with sea salt.
    • Bake at 425 for 15 minutes. Lower the heat and bake at 375 for 15 minutes.
    1. Host a tea party indoors.
    2. Bake cupcakes and try to frost them to look like cupcakes. You can even create spring-inspired flavors with violet or rose-essenced syrups.
    3. Make a cookie bouquet: This is one tasty bouquet! Bake a wooden popsicle stick into cookies, then arrange the cookies in a mason jar to look like a bouquet of cookies
    4. Try making a meal with only fresh spring veggies from your garden.

    What about you?

    What is on your bucket list this spring?


    Kathryn is a self-proclaimed book nerd who has a passion for natural parenting and writing. As a homeschooling mother of two, Kathryn understands the dynamics of a busy family life. She is the founder of the Cor Domum movement, a mission that guides families through life so that they can parent with joy. Read more at 

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