An Exciting Announcement from the Creator of the Zipadee-Zip!

An Exciting Announcement from the Creator of the Zipadee-Zip!

Submit your questions by emailing

Share this page with friends who might have questions about...

Baby Sleep: 

  • Why is my baby waking at night?
  • What's the best way to transition to the Zipadee-Zip?

Starting your own business as a mom:

  • I have an idea but don't know where to start...
  • How do you get the word out about my invention?
  • How do I balance family and running a business?

About us:

  • What made you want to start your own business?
  • What was your Shark Tank experience like?  
We will pick one question and share our video response via our newsletter during the first week of July with all of you sweet customers!
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