4 Smart Toys for Children’s Education

Learning is what childhood is all about. Your child’s intelligence is being shaped the moment they come out of the womb. As they grow older you will find that there are countless ways you can support their development right at home. Gaming is one of those ways. Fun and engaging activities will quickly become your child’s favorite way to learn. We recommend these four games and toys for your little one!
1. Osmo (www.playosmo.com/en/)
Osmo is a contemporary gaming accessory that integrates real-world play with the iPad through traditional games for children and adults. Osmo uses a reflector that attaches to your iPad to transports gamers right into the era of drawing on paper and figuring out puzzles with actual puzzle pieces! It is the perfect hybrid between the old, the new and education. This game has even been used by thousands of teachers across the world. They’ve introduced Osmo to their classrooms and the students love it
2. PullyPalz (www.pullypalz.com)
PullyPalz is an ADORABLE Interactive pacifier holder that doubles as a toy and has some developmental benefits. The pacifier holder support right brand and left brain development and helps with baby’s coordination. The coolest part about it is that is super fun for babies and gives mom an extra hand since she doesn't have to constantly pick up fallen pacifiers. Any mom would be happy to be gifted PullyPalz if you are on the hunt for a holiday gift.
3. Songs with My Name (www.songswithmyname.com/frontend.php)
This is a personalized Children CD that trumps Kids Bop with its ever-growing personalized music collection. Unlike competitors, Songs With My Name helps children improve their social skills, inspires their imagination and builds their self confidence. Each CD comes with your child’s name on it for the ultimate personalization. Your child will be able to sing along to his or her favorites like Elmo and Friends, The Wiggles, Mickey and more!
4. Surprise Ride (www.surpriseride.com)
A child ages 6-11 is bound to enjoy all the wonder that Surprise Ride. This is a monthly subscription box for kids that is packed with all the materials needed to do fun, creative, and brain-boosting activities. Each theme of the box takes a new and surprising theme your child will love.
What brain boosting activities does your child love? Share your favorites with us on our Facebook page so other families can join in on the fun.
Also read: 5 Games to Boost Baby’s Creativity
Written by Stephanie Parker from Sleepingbaby.com, inventors of the Zipadee-Zip
The motto for Sleeping Baby, makers of the Zipadee-Zip, is: "Inspiring Dreams One Night at A time," and that, in a nutshell, is how it all started…with one little dream that has since become the Parker family's reality. When Brett and Stephanie Parker's daughter, Charlotte, was born, the feeling that welled up inside of them was indescribable; they never realized until first looking into those baby blues of hers that they were even capable of that kind of love.
When it was time to transition baby from swaddling, the Parkers tried every sleep sack on the market and every swaddle weaning trick they could find for nearly two weeks and nothing worked to get baby Charlotte to fall and stay asleep.
Stephanie became determined to restore sleep and sanity to their household and set out to find a solution that would soothe Charlotte's startle reflex and provide her the cozy womb-like environment she loved so much but still give her the freedom to roll over and wiggle around in her crib safely. Out of sheer desperation and exhaustion, the Zipadee-Zip was born. The first Zipadee-Zip(R) Stephanie put together on her little sewing machine worked like magic!
To date tens of thousands of Zipadee-Zips have been sold and all from word-of-mouth marketing. It is so rewarding for the Parkers to see other parents and babies getting the sleep they both need and deserve!
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