5 Baby Sleep Myths Debunked

5 Baby Sleep Myths Debunked
5 Baby Sleep Myths Debunked

By Elizabeth Hines

As a new parent, there's so much you're trying to get right with your baby. One of the most important things you want to get right is the sleep your baby gets. After all, if baby is sleeping, then the parents can sleep too and everyone is much happier. The problem is there there are so many myths out there about baby sleep. Here are the top myths that need to debunked, so you can feel more confident in helping your baby sleep. 

  • Babies Need Quiet To Sleep

  • You'd think this is true, but in fact babies need more noise than you'd think. In the womb, it's pretty noisy. In fact, it's often louder than a vacuum cleaner in there.' Because of this, it's actually better if there's some noise when you're trying to get your baby to sleep. 

    The best way to get that noise is to use white noise. You can buy white noise machines, or use a white noise app on your phone. Either way, the sound should be about 65 dB, or around the volume of a running shower. This will help your baby be comfortable, and sleep better. 

  • Babies Are Scared Of The Dark

  • This is another myth that just isn't true. Remember, it was dark in the womb, so your baby is well used to the dark. They actually find it comforting. Many parents are well meaning and leave a night light on for their baby, but this stimulates them more and makes it harder for them to sleep. 

    Don't be afraid to put your baby in a pitch-black room so they can sleep. If they're over stimulated, it really helps them calm down and go to sleep. 

  • The Less Sleep Baby Gets At Daytime, The More Sleep They Get At Nighttime

  • It’s a given that much sleep happens at night. But for babies, they’re allowed to sleep during the day as well. However, if your baby is getting less sleep during the day, then something is wrong. The truth is, if your baby is getting less sleep in the day, they’ll grow overtired to where they’ll crash sleep during the first part of the night and then wake up more often at night time. 

    So, the best thing to do here is to allow your baby to sleep during the day. In this way, your child will be well rested during the day, and then rest properly at night. Essentially, the more naps they take in the day, the better their bedtime sleep will be.

  • Breast-Fed Babies Have It Better Than Formula-Fed Babies When It Comes To Bedtime

  • The truth is, it doesn’t matter how you feed your baby. Whether you breastfeed your baby, or opt for baby formulas, the way you feed your baby doesn’t affect how they sleep at night. As long as you teach your baby how to get to sleep without the usual sleeping props (i.e., rocking them to sleep, feeding, rocking, patting, pacifying, etc.), then they’ll continue to sleep well, regardless of their food intake. Just be sure to feed them what’s suitable for them, whether it be just breast milk or formula.

  • You Need To Create A Strict Sleep Schedule

  • As a parent, you're told you need to get baby on a sleep schedule as soon as possible. It would make things easier for you, as you'd be able to get more sleep. Many parents struggle though, as they can't get baby on a schedule and they feel they're letting their child down. 

    The fact is, they just don't work. As the sleep-wake cycles haven't been properly developed, you can't create a schedule around them. It's easier to be flexible, and pay attention to your baby's wake windows instead. 

    Bottom Line

    These 5 myths are ones that really cause problems for new parents. If you are struggling with helping your baby sleep, one of these myths may be to blame. 


    Elizabeth Hines is a digital marketer and content writer. She covers the latest tech and marketing tools, as well as innovations and strategies. She writes for Boom Essays and Lia Help, as well as for online magazines and blogs like Paper Fellows