10 Ways to Get Rid of a Mommy Headache

mommy headache

We all know how debilitating a bad headache can be, and especially parents who are juggling their daily jobs and kids all at once. When these annoying pains arrive, it can be difficult to get anything done, and look and feel your best. As a mom, you need to be at 100% to handle all the different tasks of the day. Here are some ways to get rid of a mommy headache.

1. Rest

Sometimes headaches are caused by stress and over-working yourself. If you have the time to rest, lie down for a small period of time to give your mind and body a break.

2. Exercise

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which have a natural pain and stress relief property. Try a brisk walk around the block or something else that doesn’t involve too many harsh movements.

3. Music 

Find your favorite calming music and put that on at a low volume to try and get rid of your headache. Studies have actually shown that some benefits come from music therapy for headaches.

4. Medicine

Pain-relieving medicine is the most common and quickest method of getting rid of a headache. Those who simply can’t take the time to rest or try other natural methods can easily grab some acetaminophen and be on their way.

5. Ginger Tea

Try to steep some grated ginger in hot water and make a tea for yourself. Ginger has been shown to reduce inflammation and may be able to help calm your headache a bit.

6. Meditation 

Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can have some time to yourself to meditate. Try to pay close attention to your breathing and relaxation overtaking your entire body. Meditation can truly help your mind and body get healthy.

7. Ice Pack 

Try to calm the headache by placing an ice pack on the top of your head. Another good spot to find relief is on the back of your neck.

8. Spicy Food

Many spicy foods contain capsaicin, which has been shown to relieve headaches in some people. Add some hot peppers or cayenne pepper to your next meal to try to relieve that pain in the head.

9. Lavender 

Some anecdotal evidence has shown that people have been able to alleviate the pain of a headache by sniffing lavender essential oils.

10. Hot Shower

Taking a hot shower can also help to alleviate pain and stress in your body. The heat of the water will relieve muscle tension that may be causing you pain.

Written by Stephanie Parker from Sleepingbaby.com, inventor of the Zipadee-Zip

The motto for Sleeping Baby, makers of the Zipadee-Zip, is: “Inspiring Dreams One Night at A time,” and that, in a nutshell, is how it all started…with one little dream that has since become the Parker family’s reality. When Brett and Stephanie Parker’s daughter, Charlotte, was born, the feeling that welled up inside of them was indescribable; they never realized until first looking into those baby blues of hers that they were even capable of that kind of love. When it was time to transition baby from swaddling, the Parkers tried every sleep sack on the market and every swaddle weaning trick they could find for nearly two weeks and nothing worked to get baby Charlotte to fall and stay asleep.


Stephanie became determined to restore sleep and sanity to their household and set out to find a solution that would soothe Charlotte’s startle reflex and provide her the cozy womb-like environment she loved so much but still give her the freedom to roll over and wiggle around in her crib safely. Out of sheer desperation and exhaustion, the Zipadee-Zip was born. The first Zipadee-Zip(R) Stephanie put together on her little sewing machine worked like magic!

To date tens of thousands of Zipadee-Zips have been sold and all from word-of-mouth marketing. It is so rewarding for the Parkers to see other parents and babies getting the sleep they both need and deserve!

For more information, visit sleepingbaby.com.

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