5 Ideas for Tummy Time Fun with Baby

Baby's tummy timeTummy time is crucial for a baby. The experience of being on their tummy helps babies learn to push up, roll over, sit up, crawl, and overall strengthens their neck, legs and arm muscles. Unfortunately, not every baby loves the activity. While some find it natural and enjoyable, others do not. If your baby is one that cries every time you lay them on their play mat, it’s time to start making tummy time fun. Here are five ideas for tummy time fun with baby:

1. Sing

One way you can make tummy time fun for baby is by singing with them. Put on one of their favorite baby CD’s and jam out. Baby will find a normally uncomfortable activity more enjoyable with the addition of music and mommy singing. Their mind will be occupied so they won’t think about their discomfort.

2. Get on their level

One reason that baby may feel uncomfortable is because you aren’t there with them. Next time you have a tummy time session, get on the floor with baby. Crawl next to them, play with their toys and try your best to connect with them. Make it seem like a normal, natural position. The more time you spend at their level, the more comfortable they will get with tummy time.

3. Incorporate lots of toys

While it would help his development, your baby is not going to do pushups. He needs toys and stimulating objects nearby to encourage him to move around. Make sure that all of baby’s favorite toys are spread out on their mat and in reach. Baby will be much happier lying on the floor if he has his favorite colorful toy nearby.

4. Lie with baby

If your baby is really uncomfortable during tummy time, lie with them. The best way to do this is to lie on your back, with baby on your stomach, and their head on your chest. Your baby will be forced to maneuver himself and hold his head back in order to look at you. Talk to him about your day and any exciting things that are coming up to keep him engaged.

5. Have multiple tummy times

Baby should be having tummy time several times a day in short intervals. The more times baby is on their tummy the more comfortable they will feel, and the more fun it will become. If he spends too long on his tummy, he’ll get tired and stop moving, so give him time to rest. If you only have tummy time once a day, or a few times a week, baby may not get use it and will continue to feel uncomfortable.


Written by Stephanie Parker from Sleepingbaby.com, inventors of the Zipadee-Zip

The motto for Sleeping Baby, makers of the Zipadee-Zip, is: "Inspiring Dreams One Night at A time," and that, in a nutshell, is how it all started…with one little dream that has since become the Parker family's reality. When Brett and Stephanie Parker's daughter, Charlotte, was born, the feeling that welled up inside of them was indescribable; they never realized until first looking into those baby blues of hers that they were even capable of that kind of love.

When it was time to transition baby from swaddling, the Parkers tried every sleep sack on the market and every swaddle weaning trick they could find for nearly two weeks and nothing worked to get baby Charlotte to fall and stay asleep.

Stephanie became determined to restore sleep and sanity to their household and set out to find a solution that would soothe Charlotte's startle reflex and provide her the cozy womb-like environment she loved so much but still give her the freedom to roll over and wiggle around in her crib safely. Out of sheer desperation and exhaustion, the Zipadee-Zip was born. The first Zipadee-Zip(R) Stephanie put together on her little sewing machine worked like magic!

To date tens of thousands of Zipadee-Zips have been sold and all from word-of-mouth marketing. It is so rewarding for the Parkers to see other parents and babies getting the sleep they both need and deserve!

For more information, visit sleepingbaby.com.

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