Ways to Keep Your Toddlers Safe at Home

An accident or injury can occur in any part of your home, and especially when there are small children present. Some safety hazards are obvious, such as a toy truck left lying at the top of the stairs, but others are not so easily identified.
Childproofing your house is a necessity when they begin to walk around and explore their environments. Here are some house safety tips for parents of toddlers.
Did you know that every year more than 4,000 kids end up in the emergency room after tumbling out of a window? It's crucial to install window guards or window stops on all upper-level windows to prevent your child from opening the window completely. Also, toddlers can be strangled by cords on blinds and shades, so place cribs and other furniture away from windows.Fall Hazards
Falls are one of the most common injuries that children can sustain, but when they become inquisitive toddlers, this percentage multiplies.Whether it’s a fall down the stairs, off of furniture, or just tripping on something in the house, be sure to childproof these areas as well. Wall-mounted baby gates are one of the best ways to prevent your child from taking these tumbles. Installing them at the top and bottom of stairs is your best prevention method, while applying padded bumpers to hard and sharp furniture items will keep them safe during spills.
Airborne Trouble
If your home was built a while back, there may be lead in the paint under the top coats on your walls and windows, as well as in old floor varnish. When lead dust gets stirred up during a home renovation, or when paint starts to chip, the toxic particles put your child at risk.These particles can cause developmental and learning problems in children, so it's important to hire a contractor who's certified in safely removing leaded materials.
Silent Killers
Radon and carbon monoxide are two very dangerous home hazards that are virtually invisible. For radon, an inexpensive test kit that's available at home-improvement stores will be reliable to make sure your home is safe from this toxic chemical. Also, make sure you are regularly testing the carbon monoxide alarms in your house. There should be a detector in every bedroom, and then others in places like the living room, kitchen, and other primary areas of the house.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cindy, a Texas girl, put herself through college working at a children’s library and sewing at night. When she met her husband and had her two boys, she decided to stay home to care for them while designing window treatments and bedding.
When Cindy’s first son was learning to sit up, he would always fall through the pillows she set around him, hit his head, and cry. Besides, setting her child down on the hardwood floors on just a blanket always seemed so cold. Using her years of sewing and design skills, Cindy took inspiration from a woman in her breastfeeding class and got to work. With some scrap fabric and a few tweaks, pello was born! pello is a luxe floor pillow that helps children feel safe, warm and protected.
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