
 By Kendra Beckley Motherhood is an exciting time. You may have carefully planned out your maternity leave, read all the parenting books and attended the parenting classes. Yet, once your beautiful baby arrives, there’s still a good chance there’ll be a...
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By Brittney Stefanic  This is part two of Brittney's birth story. To start at the beginning, read Part 1 here. *** Warning: The contents of the following post are RAW, TRAUMATIC, and HONEST. This content may be a trigger for families...
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By Cara Dumaplin, RN "He was sleeping great, but suddenly he started waking up every hour. It's harder now than when he was a newborn." Oh this story is so common when I'm speaking to sleep deprived parents. "It...
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Remember when you were little and summer was the best time of year? Okay, so maybe it still is, but when you are pregnant during the summer months, life can get a little uncomfortable. You feel hot and swollen and...
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