10 Ways to Teach Children How to Be Thankful

There's no better time than Thanksgiving to teach your children what it means to be thankful and how they can show their appreciation. It's a tricky concept to teach to younger children but your older children can help. Teaching children to be thankful is important because it promotes sensitivity to the feelings of others and they won't grow up feeling entitled. Grateful people tend to be more optimistic in life and overall happier. Here are 10 tips on how to teach your children to be thankful.

  1. Create a thankful tree

A thankful tree is a creative way for you and your children to share what you're grateful for. Everyone can write down what they are thankful for on different colored construction paper leaves that you use to decorate your tree. Keep the tree in your living room and you can add to it each day and remember what you're thankful for every time you pass by it.

  1. Count your blessings

When your children are having difficulty falling asleep, teach them to count their blessings instead of counting sheep. Have them recount in their head everything that they are thankful for (even the little things!) and soon enough they'll be drifting off to dreamland.

  1. Lead by example

Children learn by following their parents' example so teach them to be thankful by remembering to always say thank you. Make a point of saying “please” and “thank you” when you interact with others and when you talk to your children. Thank them for their hugs, when they clean up their room, and when they help clear the table.

  1. Have them donate old toys/clothes

When your children outgrow their clothes and toys, ask them to donate to less fortunate children. Explain to them why these children need their old toys and clothes and they will learn to appreciate what they have and to give to those in need.

  1. Write thank you notes

Any time your child receives a gift, whether for Christmas, birthdays or other holidays, have them write short and sweet thank you notes or ask them what they would like to say while you write it down.  Little ones can even draw pictures to accompany your written thank you notes if they're still too young to write.

  1. Let kids contribute

Have your children make get well cards for a sick family member, help you set the table, or visit an elderly neighbor. When they know that they are helping others they will also feel thankful for all the things that you and others do for them.

  1. Have a thankful jar

Your kids can decorate a jar to keep on the table next to a pencil and paper. Everyone in the family can write down what they are thankful for in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. On the big day during or after your Thanksgiving meal, the kids can take out the notes and read aloud what the family is thankful for.

  1. Reward children with a hug

When your child says thank you let them know how much you appreciate their appreciation. Give your child and hug and say, “It makes me happy when you say thank you!” This positive attention will reinforce their good behavior.

  1. Make small sacrifices

Practice making sacrifices with your children such as not driving the car short distances and walking instead, or taking 5 minute showers instead of long, hot ones. This makes you realize what things you take for granted every day and teaches your children to be more humble.

  1. Reflect together at the end of the day

Before your kids go to bed at night, talk to them about their day and reflect on the good things that happened. By doing this you're encouraging them to actually think about what they should be grateful for and it ends the day on a positive note.

In what ways do you teach your children to be thankful?

Guest blog by Lori Bredemeier, Founder of Little Toader.

Lori Bredemeier is the co-founder of Little Toader with her husband Michael. They are the inventors of AppeTEETHERS, safe and effective teething toys for babies that look like real foods!

What makes AppeTEETHERS safe:

1. AppeTEETHERS are solid silicone and extremely durable. There are no parts and there are no surface materials that could possibly come apart or detached.

2. Lori and Michael are germ-a-phobes! This is another reason they chose silicone. AppeTEETHERS are not porous so they do not absorb germs, dirt, or any other undesirable deposits. This makes them very easy to clean at home or on the go.

3. AppeTEETHERS do not have topical paint. All of our coloring is the actual color of the silicone. There is no risk of flaking or having the paint rub off into your baby's mouth.

Consistently ranking in the top teething toys, AppeTEETHERS are a truly unique teething solution. Babies love them and parents get a kick out of watching their precious bundle of joy using them. All Little Toader products are tested and are Consumer Product Safety Commission compliant.

Visit www.littletoader.com.

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