
By Brittney Stefanic When your little one isn’t feeling well, it can feel like your world is caving in. As mamas, we want nothing more than to take away their symptoms and pain in order for them to feel...
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By Maggie Moore When he was just one year old at daycare, my son transitioned from two naps a day in a crib to one nap a day on a cot. Way too early for both! I do not recommend...
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By Maggie Moore “What am I doing wrong?” I can recall asking myself that many times when my son wouldn’t sleep the several months of his life. I would walk, rock and bounce him for what felt like hours...
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If the Zipadee-Zip was a subject taught in school, Meg Shideler would have her master’s degree in it. Meg Shideler has been working for Sleeping Baby Inc since 2014. She was the very first employee to work for the company. She currently...
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