
As babies make a lot of different noises (some cute and some bizarre!), it can be challenging for new parents to understand what their children want and need, especially when it comes to them crying. Incredibly, however, surveys indicate that...
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By Grace Clark Your child will experience rapid changes in their mouth during the first 24-months of their life. It’s time for you to be your toddler’s tooth fairy by helping them to strengthen their teeth for the world of solid...
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Cradle cap, also called seborrheic dermatitis, is caused by overproduction of oil on the scalp. The oil glands beneath the skin produce a cake-y substance called sebum. Cradle cap appears as flaky dry skin, like dandruff, or thick, crusty, yellow...
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Every parent's first concern is keeping their kids safe. Unfortunately, many products out there can be dangerous, but we never find out until something goes wrong. You should get in the habit of checking regularly for product recalls to make...
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By Stephanie Parker We were faced with a common parenting dilemma: our new baby Charlotte loved to be swaddled and slept like a baby up until it was time for the swaddle to come off. Our little bundle of joy...
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