How Babies Benefit From Reading To Them

reading to babiesI began reading regularly to my son when he was about six months old. It's part of our daily routine, just before bed. I look forward to this special time with him every evening. Now that he's ten, I continue to read with him every night. The books a lot different and he's much more involved, but it's still special bonding time for me. We spend a lot of time at the library picking out books and even attended a class together when he was a toddler. That's where I learned about the the importance of reading to babies. Not only is it solid one-on-one time, but it has plenty of other benefits. Here are a few.

1. Reading builds vocabulary.

When you read to your baby you are building their vocabulary, listening and memory skills. These are all so important for a baby to learn at a young age. The more books you read to them, the more words they are going to learn and the better their memory will become.

2. Reading teaches them to read.

Yes, I know that your baby is still too small to read. However, if you instill the importance of reading at a young age, they will begin to read on their own when they are old enough. Reading when you are older is just as important as reading when you are a baby, because it stimulates your brain and keeps you learning. By normalizing reading, you set them up for academic success.

3. Reading teaches communication.

Reading teaches your baby how people interact with each other. A story that has dialogue, even if they cannot understand it, shows them how they can one day communicate and what will be expected of them. The more you read to them, the better.

4. Reading introduces concepts.

Did you know that there is research showing that people who read are smarter? As a teen or adult, reading helps you better understand what you know and teaches you new concepts. For a baby, reading introduces countless new ideas. Most children’s books talk about numbers, colors, animals and shapes. This is a great way for your baby to learn about these crucial things.

5. Reading forms a connection.

One of the most important reasons you should read to your baby is because it helps form a connection between the two of you. Your baby will love hearing your voice when you read and the two of you will feel a closeness during this special time!

6. Reading informs them.

Most baby books tend to have a lot of important basic information. These books are helpful because it teaches them about the world around them. What are those things crawling on the sidewalk? Ants! Why does mommy make me go to bed? To get my rest! When your baby begins to talk, reading to them will help them discover what things are and what they are called.


Guest Blog by Nicole Zoellner from 

Nicole ZoellnerNizo Wear is the first nursing bra to have a unique, patented pocket in the pull-down flap that can hold a heating or cooling pack helping bring moms relief and healing faster while being extremely comfortable and super chic.

Nizo Wear nursing bras were inspired by the real-life experience of the company’s founder, Nicole Zoellner. When Nicole became pregnant with her son, she eagerly read all the materials her doctor had given her about the benefits of breastfeeding. She happily anticipated the feelings of serenity and bonding that nursing promises mother and infant.

So, Nicole set out to do for other nursing moms what no-one had been able to do for her: provide a practical, comfortable way to get relief from the soreness breastfeeding mothers often experience. Her design was patented, and Nizo Wear was born.

Visit for more information.

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