Sleeping Baby Spotlight on Meg Shideler

If the Zipadee-Zip was a subject taught in school, Meg Shideler would have her master’s degree in it. Meg Shideler has been working for Sleeping Baby Inc since 2014. She was the very first employee to work for the company. She currently provides customer support and manages wholesale accounts. Meg has a calm demeanor with her customers and provides thorough and kind advice.
“I love getting to interact with our customers and celebrating their sleep successes with them. Gushing over photos of their adorable babies is a great perk too!” says Schideler.
Shideler lives with her husband, Curtis, and their furbaby, Stamford Blue.
In her free time, Schideler loves to sew, “every kind of project from personal creations to building costumes for the theatre studio where I also teach. A cup of tea, our cat at my feet, and some quiet time with my sewing machine is my favorite way to re-charge!”
In addition to her time at Sleeping Baby, she also teaches theatre part time. She has directed and choreographed many productions for children. Not a stranger to acting herself, she played Nadia in the anime series Nadia: Secret of Blue Water and LingLing in Steam Detectives. She still receives fan mail for her performances!
She first met Stephanie Parker during a production of Hello Dolly.
“Meg is such an integral part of our team! We wouldn't have made it through the Shark Tank Tsunami without her! She was the very first employee we ever hired and we have been through a lot together! She has an incredible heart for helping people and goes above and beyond to make our customers feel special, for which I'm so incredibly grateful! She has always been someone who just, "gets it." It's so refreshing to have someone who can think outside of the box when it comes to addressing and even anticipating our customers needs... her intuition is killer! That is an incredible God given talent and I'm honored to call her a friend and co-worker,” says Parker.
Written by Jennifer Lindquist
Jennifer Lindquist graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead MN in 2005 in business and French. She currently acts a Social Media Coordinator for Sleeping Baby. She is also a photojournalist and has been featured on the Army News Service, Fort Sill Cannoneer, Fort Gordon Signal and Fort Huachuca Scout. She currently lives overseas with her husband and daughter.
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